Coates Western Art Exhibition and Sale
- Presented By: Granbury Arts Alliance
- Dates: 10/25/2024, 10/26/2024
- Location: Lake Granbury Conference Center
- Address: PO Box 2281, GRANBURY, TX 76048
- Phone: (817) 996-8669
- Time: Times Vary
- Price: VIP Event:$50 | Saturday, October 26: free to the public 10-5
You are invited to join Granbury Arts Alliance for an exclusive evening to preview and purchase western art at the Lake Granbury Conference Center. Our artists have varied styles ranging from traditional to a contemporary modern approach to western artwork. Come mingle with the artists, other art collectors and enthusiasts for our VIP evening. Enjoy food, drink and music at this exclusive event. Click on the ticket link for ticket information.
** VIP event Friday, October 25 from 6-9pm
*** On Saturday, October 26 from 10-5pm, this event will be free and open to the public.