Author: Dan Vanderburg

Novelist Dan Vanderburg is a sixth-generation Texan who grew up hearing how his ancestors worked to build their farms, ranches, and their way of life on the Texas frontier. Those accounts lit a spark in Dan as a youngster to learn more about the people that built Texas.

In addition to Dan's activities as a novelist and poet, he is an accomplished lecturer and trainer.  He speaks for social, fraternal, and business organizations, as well as church groups, schools, and retirements complexes.  In his presentation "Gone to Texas," Dan discusses what life was really like on the raw frontier of early Texas, and includes book signings.  

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Hood County 101

Monday, April 18, 2022 12:00 PM by Dan Vanderburg

Thanks again go out to Melinda Ray for her permission to use information from her very informative…

Author’s note: Thanks to Melinda Jo Ray for providing permission to use the research materials in…

Granbury, Texas - Where Texas History Lives

Thursday, January 20, 2022 12:00 PM by Dan Vanderburg

Welcome to Visit Granbury’s history blog! Granbury, Texas is a vibrant, modern Texas city, but its…