Visit Granbury, Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) – announced “Two Shots Fired” as the winning drink of Granbury’s First Official Signature Drink Competition.
Visit Granbury in coordination with the 2019 (CATS Festival) Cigar Aficionado Trades and Sales Festival hosted the first official Granbury Signature Drink Competition, Friday, May 24 at the Best Western Hotel.
11 Competitors entered and highlighted their creation of a Signature Granbury Drink, alcohol was not a requirement to be eligible. The Granbury themed drinks included everything from John St Helen Julip, Granbury Liquid Brunch, Lemon Drop on the Dock and Granbury Sunset.
Linda Husong and Susan Moore collaborated on the Winning Drink. Husong was excited to present “We were inspired by the rich Granbury history and legends. Our inspiration came from the legendary tales of Jesse James and John Wilks Booth. Both confessed to the local sheriff’s in their day of their crimes. Wilkes even told where the weapon was wrapped in a newspaper of the assignation. We chose ‘Two Shots Fired’ with Black Rifle Coffee and one shot of Pecan Whiskey and one shot of white chocolate liquor to commemorate the 2 legends.”
Contestants Included:
1. Courtney Billen, Fusion Table
2. Maria Labrada, Lake Granbury Conference Center
3. Cathy Reidy, Granbury Resident
4. Diane Hedges & Josh Winters, D’Vine Wine
5. Tyler Jett, Hoffbrau Steaks & Grill House
6. Tim Herndon, Granbury Resident
7. Curtis Clifton & Roger Wall, Local Goat Distillery (2 entries)
8. Ryan Woodruff & Matt Bragg, 1890 Grille & Lounge (2 entries)
9. Linda Husong and Susan Moore, Granbury Residents
Granbury resident Tim Herndon created the 2nd place drink with his creation of “Granbury’s Opera House Ghost.” Chef Courtney Billen of The Fusion Table presented the 3rd place drink “Smoke on the Brazos.”
A panel of eight judges - judged and scored out of a potential 100 points per drink, per judge. Entries were judged on the: Name, Balance, Taste, Aroma, Simplicity, Presentation and Granbury Experience. Community leaders and local celebrity judges included: Steve Vale, Tony Mobly, Trish Reiner, Norma Savage, Jeremy Sorelle, Lee Overstreet, Sister McRae and a CATS Festival Team (Representative Thor Nielson of Cigar Press Magazine).
Tammy Dooley, Director of the Granbury Convention & Visitors Bureau was excited to announce “The new Signature Drink. The Granbury CVB works to promote and enhance the visitor experience and our signature drink can be tied into our marketing efforts, the recipe included in specific visitor group welcome bags, and even offered to event planners with recipes and served at welcome receptions. Recipe cards will be available at Visit Granbury and online in-the-near future.”
The winning Signature Drink Competitor received a special Granbury Cocktail- Shaker trophy and cash prize of $100 and will have bragging rights as “the creator of Granbury’s Signature Drink.” We encourage area restaurants to promote the Granbury Signature Drink on their menus! Of course, we also ask everyone to Please Drink Responsibly.